How many days did it take for God to create the earth and the universe (not including the seventh day of rest)? For those who believe that the bible is the word of God, the three most common answers are numbers 1, 2 and 3 that are shown below, but answer number 4 is new.


1)   Six days, and each day was 24 hours long.

2)   Six days, but each day was an age.

3)   Six days, but they appear to be many years.

4)   Six days in the sight of the Lord


If you have not investigated answer number 4, then you have not heard it all before. Start by clicking on the following link.


Sight of the Lord Creation


The preceding link connects to the main message, which links to other subsections, and those subsections are also available for direct connection by the following links.


Physical Evidence of Age


The Trouble With Numbers


The Trouble with Evolution


